Every day, in every borough, nonprofits improve the lives of New Yorkers.
Read our 2024 Program Brochure, which includes FYE 2023 results.
To maximize nonprofits' impact, Lawyers Alliance established five program priorities. Each is an area in which nonprofits have a critical role and our staff and volunteers have special expertise. These priorities are community arts, economic opportunity, housing and human services, quality education, and urban health. In addition, we have developed four special initiatives to address emerging legal needs of the nonprofit sector: program preservation, evolution, and financial change; advocacy; national leadership; and risk management. Read about prior special initiatives: coronavirus information and disaster relief.
Lawyers Alliance helps nonprofits to serve low-income New Yorkers and build communities in all five boroughs of New York City. Some of our clients focus on particular neighborhoods, others serve multiple boroughs, and others have a significant presence statewide, nationally, and even internationally. The map below shows the number of organizations represented by Lawyers Alliance in each borough during the past two years.
1. Manhattan – 389 nonprofit clients, including citywide organizations
2. Brooklyn – 206 nonprofit clients
3. Queens – 75 nonprofit clients
4. The Bronx – 77 nonprofit clients
5. Staten Island – 21 nonprofit clients
Click here to watch a video about our amazing volunteers and nonprofit clients.

The Boroughs of New York City map is based upon a work by Julius Schorzman, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 License.
While each client is counted once based on location of main office, about half of these organizations operate services in multiple boroughs.
Learn More About Lawyers Alliance
Community Impact | Community Arts | Economic Opportunity | Housing and Human Services | Quality Education | Urban Health
Federal Legal Compliance | Program Preservation, Evolution, and Financial Change | Advocacy | National Leadership
Risk Management | Disaster Relief | Coronavirus Information