Webinars and Workshops

Recorded Webinars

Regularly throughout the year, Lawyers Alliance offers live webinars for nonprofit managers and Board members on a range of legal issues. A selection of these webinar recordings is available for purchase and viewing at your convenience.

A Guide for the Perplexed - Update on New York State and New York City’s Employment Laws

New York City and New York State regulations aimed at protecting employees, and sometimes even individuals who are not employees, have proliferated over the past few years - and that was before the pandemic! This webinar will help make sense of the latest New York State and New York City pandemic employment laws mandating leave for COVID vaccination and illness, vaccination and masking mandates, and the HERO Act. We will also alert you to several brand new, or newly amended, state and city laws concerning salary information, whistleblowers, criminal history, cannabis, and Paid Family Leave.

Learning Objectives: Participants will have a comprehensive update of new and updated obligations for nonprofit employers in New York City.

For executive directors and human resources professionals.

Presenter: Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: May 17, 2022


Am I Lobbying? Understanding Which Activities New York Nonprofits Should Track for Lobbying Reporting Purposes

A New York nonprofit organization that participates in a lobby day, seeks government funds, or urges government officials to help the community may need to track and report lobbying activity. This webinar will explain which activities may count as lobbying for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code limit on lobbying by a 501(c)(3) public charity, as well as the New York State and New York City lobbyist registration laws.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify which of their activities should be tracked and potentially reported on their organization's IRS 990, as well as to the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government and the New York City Clerk’s Lobbying Bureau.

For nonprofit managers and advocates.

Presenter: Laura Abel, Interim Legal Director & Senior Policy Counsel

Recorded on: November 13, 2024


Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance for Nonprofit Organizations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires that employers with more than 15 employees (including nonprofits) make reasonable accommodations for the employment of disabled individuals. The ADA also requires “public accommodation” nonprofits that offer goods or services (e.g. a common area waiting room or, in some cases, even a website) must make those places accessible to the disabled. Nonprofits that fail to comply with these requirements leave themselves vulnerable to claims and potential litigation, including from persons that actively seek out, and specialize in, ADA lawsuits.  This presentation will address ways to mitigate those risks and will cover topics including: compliance with ADA requirements when advertising jobs and hiring; required accessibility of physical premises and websites as well as potential amendments to the ADA and the related legislative outlook.

Learning Objectives: Attendees will learn about ADA compliance requirements, increase their ability to comply and decrease their exposure to associated claims.

For nonprofit Board members and managers seeking to learn about their obligations under the ADA.

Presenters: William Ng, Partner and Matt Capobianco, Associate at Littler Mendelson P.C.

Recorded on: February 22, 2021


Becoming a Nonprofit: Incorporation and Tax Exemption

Getting a new nonprofit organization off to the right start can mean the difference between success and failure. This webinar will go step-by-step through the process of incorporating in New York State and applying for federal tax-exempt status. Attention will be given to the benefits and obligations of incorporation and tax-exempt status including reporting requirements, the role of board members, and the limitations on lobbying and political activities.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to evaluate the decision to form a nonprofit corporation and apply for federal tax exemption based upon an understanding of state and federal law.

For those interested in forming a nonprofit organization in New York.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney, and Elizabeth Wytock, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: September 17, 2024


Board Committees: Engaging the Board in Challenging Times

Leaders of nonprofits often need support and guidance from Board members when they are faced with operational, budgetary, or other challenges. Committees are an effective tool to engage the Board and channel Board talent and support. To use committees wisely, managers and directors should understand the requirements for (and limitations on) committees under the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. This webinar will cover how to form and manage committees and will offer strategies on how to use committees to support management and encourage Board engagement while complying with best practices.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn tips on how to use committees strategically; restrictions on committee actions; the difference between Board committees and committees of the corporation; how to form a committee; committee charter basics; and audit and finance committee distinctions.

For Board members, executive directors, and managers of nonprofits.

Presenters: Hedwig O'Hara, Legal Director and Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: September 19, 2023



Board Meetings 101

Are you a new executive director or board chair?  Or maybe you've been running board meetings and taking minutes, but you've always wondered if you are doing things the right way.  In this webinar, we’ll cover the basic information you need to know to prepare for and conduct a board meeting for nonprofit directors.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn practical tips on how to prepare for and carry out a board meeting including confirming a quorum, preparing an agenda, taking a board vote, preparing meeting minutes, handling conflicts of interest and related party transaction, and other practical tips.

For directors and officers of New York nonprofits.

Presenters: Hedwig O’Hara, Legal Director; Rafi Stern, Staff Attorney; and Jenny Dai, Staff Attorney/Davis Polk Extern

Recorded on: June 1, 2023


Breaking Down Managed Care Contracts

This webinar guides participants through the key legal issues found in contracts with managed care organizations (MCOs). Questions discussed include: What are the standard key provisions in an MCO contract? Which terms are likely to differ from contract to contract? Is there any possibility to negotiate? What questions should we ask of the managed care organization? What is an Independent Practice Association (IPA) and how can an IPA help with contracting? What are the basic HIPAA obligations and what are best practices for compliance? This webinar is designed to enable providers to better understand the risks and legal obligations involved in contracting with MCOs.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify key provisions and understand the risks and legal obligations in an MCO contract.

For Board members, senior management, and health program directors at community-based organizations.

Presenters: Bee-Seon Keum, Staff Attorney, Lawyers Alliance; Megan Sherman, Associate, James W. Lytle, Partner, and Randi Seigel, Partner, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Recorded on: December 10, 2019


Building Partnerships: Mergers and Strategic Alliances

During turbulent economic times, nonprofits often consider different types of alliances with other nonprofits to strengthen programming and stabilize their organizations. This webinar addresses the legal issues and considerations surrounding mergers, consolidations, and other strategic alliances. Topics include: the possible legal structures for types of strategic alliances between not-for-profit corporations; issues to be considered when determining the most advantageous legal structure of a strategic alliance; the process of conducting due diligence and negotiating a strategic alliance; and legal steps that must be taken in order to formally merge not-for-profit corporations.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be equipped to identify key issues in determining whether a strategic alliance is in the organization's best interests, and understand the implications of structuring options available to nonprofit organizations.

For management staff and Board members.

Presenters: Lori Moses, Senior Staff Attorney; Rafi Stern, Staff Attorney; and Jonny Gelfand, Extern/Staff Attorney

Recorded on: October 3, 2023


Careful Lobbying Compliance: Keeping Track of the Required Reports and Restrictions on Lobbyists' Activities

Nonprofits that register as lobbyists in New York State or New York City because they use their own employees to lobby on behalf of the organization are expected to file the same reports, and adhere to the same code of conduct, as professional lobbying firms. They must register with and report to both NY State and NYC even if they only lobby in NYC, and even if their advocacy is aimed solely at city agencies, not the state legislature or City Council. Nonprofit lobbyists that invite elected officials to conferences or fundraising dinners must comply with the ban on gifts to public servants. Those that register with NY State must disclose board members' business relationships with state employees and elected officials. Employees registered with NYC must report on fundraising events they host for City Council candidates on their own time and abide by the City's code of ethics for lobbyists. This webinar will explain NY State and NYC's requirements for nonprofits that register as lobbyists and will provide practical tips for complying with these often confusing rules.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the obligations of a nonprofit organization registered as a lobbyist, and develop practical strategies to ensure compliance.

For nonprofit managers, organizers, and others involved in the day-to-day operation of not-for-profit tax-exempt organizations in New York.

Presenter: Laura Abel, Senior Policy Counsel

Recorded on: April 16, 2024


CARES Act Loan Guidance and Next Steps for Nonprofits

This webinar for nonprofits highlights two SBA loan programs included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act): the Payroll Protection Program Loan and Economic Injury Disaster Loan. For each loan program, we review loan eligibility and qualification, eligibility and conditions for loan forgiveness, potential loan terms, and, generally, borrower requirements for the application process.

Learning Objectives:  Participants will receive information and guidance regarding eligibility, qualifications and requirements for the PPP Loan and EIDL, and will have an opportunity to ask questions.

For chief financial officers, finance administrators, executive directors, and executive staff.

Presenters: Steven Polivy, Chair of the Economic Development and Incentives Practice at Akerman LLP and Taila Martin, Special Counsel at Akerman LLP

Please note that there is no charge for this webinar recording.

Recorded on: April 15, 2020


Claim that Tune: Music Licensing for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations use recorded music for a variety of purposes: as part of a performance, during after school classes, creating the sound track for an outreach video, or even as background music at a gala. But use of recorded music without the proper permission – a “license” – can subject your organization to payment of money damages and reputational harm for copyright infringement.

Learning Objectives: This webinar will explain the different types of licenses that are needed when music is used by nonprofits, and when and how to obtain them.

For nonprofit leaders and program officers, particularly of community arts and after school organizations, as well as development and communications managers.


Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney, Lawyers Alliance for New York

Lucy Bridgwood, Associate General Counsel, Spotify USA, Inc.

Sara Domeier, Senior Legal Counsel, Spotify USA, Inc.

Mark Maher, Senior Legal Counsel, Spotify USA, Inc.

Bryant Smith, Legal Counsel, Spotify USA, Inc.

Please note that there is no charge for this webinar recording.

Recorded on: July 28, 2021


Connecting Corporate Dollars to Your Cause: Cause-related Marketing

Corporate sponsorship offers exciting opportunities for businesses to be associated with charitable activities and for charities to raise additional revenue. These "cause-related marketing" relationships can take various forms and can be enticing to nonprofits looking to secure additional funds. But cause-related marketing relationships can also pose significant risks to the nonprofit. This webinar will examine the basics of cause marketing compliance and best practices.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn about the legal considerations around cause-related marketing and gain an understanding of how to create successful relationships, in compliance with applicable state and federal rules.

For development professionals and senior managers.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney; Laura Abel, Senior Policy Counsel; and Amy Cheng, Staff Attorney/Extern

Recorded on: March 13, 2024


Conquering Contracts Webinar Series, Part I: Understanding, Negotiating, and Mitigating Risks within the Law

Nonprofits enter into contracts every day, from service agreements, vendor contracts, real estate agreements, government contracts, and more. Part I in this webinar series on contracts will cover contract basics, key provisions in common contract types, and risk management strategies and common mistakes when negotiating contracts. This webinar is part of our Conquering Contracts series. Be sure to review Part II and Part III of this Contracts series, available on our website.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be better prepared to understand elements of a contract, will understand what an organization is committing to when negotiating and signing certain contracts, and how to identify and mitigate risk within a contract.

For executive directors, operations and fiscal officers, and Board members.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney, and Lori Moses, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: October 23, 2024


Conquering Contracts Webinar Series, Part II: Breaking Through the Boilerplate: New York City Human Services Contracts

Contracting with the government to provide social services can be an important source of revenue for nonprofits, but it also poses unique challenges. This webinar will review the general structure of the standard human services contract used by New York City agencies with nonprofit service providers and will provide an explanation of key contract terms. It will also cover certain risks involved with City contracting and possible ways to reduce or otherwise mitigate risks, with a focus on risks related to confidentiality provisions, contract timing, and payment. This webinar, which is part of our Conquering Contracts series, will focus specifically on the New York City Human Services Standard Contract. Be sure to review Part I and Part III of this Contracts series, available on our website.

Learning Objectives: Participants will understand the basic structure and key terms of the standard New York City human services contract and some of the risks involved with City contracting.

For nonprofits who currently have a human services contract with a New York City agency or those who anticipate entering into their first human services contract with a City agency.

Presenters: Lori Moses, Senior Staff Attorney, and Frances Tyler, Legal Fellow

Recorded on: November 20, 2024


Conquering Contracts Webinar Series, Part III: Contract Management: Keeping Track of Documents, Obligations, and Compliance

Leases, vendor agreements, foundation grants, government contracts: a nonprofit may have dozens of different contracts. Each may incorporate multiple attachments and be amended and renewed repeatedly over many years. Each contract also comes with its own compliance obligations. This webinar, which is part of our Conquering Contracts series, will discuss options for keeping track of contract documents and identifying and meeting contract compliance obligations. Be sure to review Part I and Part II of this Contracts series, available on our website.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify and implement systems to track contract documents, obligations, and compliance.

For nonprofit executives and contract managers.

Presenter: Laura Abel, Interim Legal Director & Senior Policy Counsel

Recorded on: December 11, 2024


Contract Considerations for Nonprofits During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As nonprofits respond to the current global pandemic, whether and how they and their vendors and partners can fulfill contract obligations are some of the most frequently asked questions (e.g., Do we have to continue meeting government contract deliverables? Do we have to pay the consultant who was going to run our now-cancelled conference? Can we cancel or postpone our gala?). The answers typically lie in a nonprofit organization’s contracts. This webinar will cover important steps nonprofits should take to review their contracts as well as key provisions and issues to consider in light of COVID-19.

Learning Objectives: Participants will understand key issues relating to contracts during the Coronavirus outbreak.

For nonprofit executives, managers, and staff.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Staff Attorney and Bee-Seon Keum, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: April 8, 2020 


Coping with COVID - The Latest on Employer Obligations and Best Practices

Nonprofits operating in New York City have faced a variety of pandemic-related challenges for nearly two years. As the City continues to adapt to the pandemic, new challenges arise for nonprofits in understanding and complying with the regulations regarding COVID safety precautions and requirements, including vaccine, booster, and mask mandates. This webinar will provide an UPDATED overview of the federal, state, and city regulatory landscape and will discuss policies and plans that nonprofits should put into place to best protect themselves and their program participants.   

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the obligations of nonprofits with respect to COVID requirements and develop practical strategies to ensure compliance.

For Human Resources, Operations, and other managers involved in the day-to-day operation of not-for-profit tax-exempt organizations in New York.

Presenters: Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney; Ciarra Chavarria, Staff Attorney; and Elizabeth Wytock, Staff Attorney/Fellow

Recorded on: February 9, 2022


Creating and Running A Legal Services Program: A Guide for Grassroots Organizations Serving Immigrant Communities

Grassroots tax-exempt organizations that serve immigrant communities often walk a fine line between providing their clients with legal and non-legal services. To that end, organizations may wish to hire an attorney to expand their service options or, alternatively, organizations may already be providing legal services when they are not properly authorized to do so. During this webinar we will clarify the rules surrounding the unauthorized practice of law; provide an overview of the regulations applicable to nonprofits that want to employ an attorney; suggest practical tips for organizations to take into account before onboarding an attorney; and briefly address the federal Recognition and Accreditation Program, one alternative pathway to providing legal services in limited circumstances without hiring an attorney.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to understand the laws regulating when and how nonprofits can provide legal services as well as additional, practical considerations an organization should keep in mind before hiring an attorney.

For Board members, executive directors, senior staff, and human resources professionals of immigrant service organizations.

Presenters: Laura Abel, Senior Policy Counsel, Hedwig O’Hara, Legal Director, and Elizabeth Wytock, Staff Attorney/Legal Fellow

Recorded on: September 20, 2022


Creating Scholarship Programs: Legally Structuring a Lasting Educational Impact

In challenging times, the dollars provided by a scholarship can make all the difference in a young person's life. Scholarships are an excellent way for nonprofits to support educational achievement in connection with their charitable purposes. Some nonprofits are established with the intention of managing a scholarship program, while other nonprofits develop a scholarship program after operating for several years as a natural extension of other program offerings. This webinar, designed for newly forming and existing public charities, will provide an overview of IRS rules and best practices to establish and administer a scholarship program, including the selection criteria for recipients, selecting a scholarship review committee, distributing funds, monitoring the use of funds and proper documentation, and a brief discussion of tax implications for both the recipient and the public charity.

This webinar is designed specifically for public charities (not private foundations) and will not address applicable rules for donor-advised funds.

Learning Objectives: Participants will understand the basics and best practices for structuring and administering a scholarship program.

For nonprofit managers and Board members of public charities considering the creation of a scholarship program.

Presenter: Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: December 13, 2023


Developing Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policies for Charter Schools

All nonprofits, including charter schools, must have a set of bylaws and conflict of interest policy that comply with New York law, including the New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act. Charter schools must also comply with additional regulations. This webinar discusses the legal background for creating a set of bylaws and conflict of interest policy generally, and then discusses the provisions of the law specifically applicable to charter schools, including the General Municipal Law and the Open Meetings Law.

Learning Objective: Participants will be able to make sure their bylaws and conflict of interest policy comply with New York's nonprofit law, as well as laws applicable specifically to charter schools.

For charter school management and Board members.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Staff Attorney, Lawyers Alliance for New York; and Corey Callahan, Director of Legal Affairs, New York City Charter School Center

Please note that there is no charge for this webinar recording.

Recorded on: May 8, 2018


Earning Income for Your Nonprofit Organization: About UBIT (Unrelated Business Income Tax) and Why It Matters

Nonprofits can, and often do, earn income through sales, rental income, or other avenues besides grants and donations. But this income can, in certain situations, be subject to taxes. Learn the fundamentals of "unrelated business income tax" (UBIT): How does income have to be "substantially related" to nonprofit mission? Are there exceptions? How should we think about potential new streams of revenue? And more!

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to evaluate when revenue-generating activity may lead to taxable income and determine the possible impact on the organization.

For management and Board members of nonprofits that want to, or do, make money other than from grants and donations.

Presenters: Rafi Stern and Elizabeth Wytock, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: May 10, 2023


El Papel de la Junta Directiva de una Organización sin Fines de Lucro

Los directores acuerdan servir en la junta directiva de una organización sin fines de lucro porque apoyan la misión y el trabajo de la organización.  El servicio en una junta directiva conlleva responsabilidades significativas.  Este webinar tratará el papel de los miembros de la junta directiva de una organización sin fines de lucro y cómo los miembros de la junta directiva pueden proporcionar una supervisión adecuada. Este webinar se presentará en español.

Objetivo de Aprendizaje: Los participantes podrán identificar las responsabilidades de los miembros de la junta directiva basadas en los documentos corporativos de la organización y apoyar proactivamente el buen gobierno corporativo.

Para miembros de juntas directivas de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, en particular los recién elegidos. 

Presentadoras: Cristina Pérez, Abogada Voluntaria, e Isa Julson Barahona, Abogada de Plantilla / Cleary Extern, Lawyers Alliance

Grabado el: 3 de abril, 2020

The English version of this webinar is here.


FLSA Considerations in a Remote Work Environment

Remote work has created a number of additional employment law challenges. One challenge that receives little consideration is the impact of remote work on the Fair Labor Standards Act's (FLSA's) overtime requirements. An employer is required to pay its remote employees for all hours worked where the employer knew or had reason to know the employee performed the work.

Nonprofits with a non-exempt workforce should correctly classify employees and develop policies that prevent employees from unilaterally accruing overtime. Learn which employees are eligible for overtime and how the FLSA overtime rules are applied to remote employees.

Learning Objectives: Participants will have the information necessary to develop and implement policies to govern employees' hours worked in a remote work environment; determine which employees are eligible for overtime; understand options and best practices for reclassifying employees who have been designated ineligible; and what hours are mandatory to include in the calculation of overtime.

For senior management, HR executives, and payroll administrators.

Presenter: Jonal Hendrickson, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: February 28, 2023


Good Governance: Developing a Conflicts of Interest Policy

A functional and up-to-date conflicts of interest policy helps to protect your organization from unnecessary risk resulting from conflicts or the appearance of conflicts. Plus, the IRS Form 990 asks whether the filing organization has a written conflicts of interest policy. Join us as we discuss what should be included in your organization's conflicts of interest policy, how to apply your conflicts of interest policy to real-life situations, and what to do if you realize correct conflicts of interest procedures have not been used.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify potential conflict of interest situations and understand what procedures to follow when a conflict arises.

Presenters: Hedwig O'Hara, Legal Director and Lori Moses, Senior Staff Attorney

For nonprofit managers and Board members.

Recorded on: October 19, 2021


Guidance on Commercial Leases During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the ability of nonprofit organizations in New York City (and across the United States) to operate in the ordinary course. Governmental restrictions (including orders that non-essential businesses keep their workforces out of the workplace) and a host of changing economic conditions threaten the liquidity and viability of many of those organizations. Among other things, organizations have had to weigh the decision to abandon the premises they lease or to withhold rent due to their landlords. Peter Borock and Salvatore Gogliormella, from the Real Estate Department at Paul, Weiss, highlight certain actions that commercial tenants suffering hardship as a result of the pandemic should consider taking, as well as certain factors they should take into account in doing so. Topics include whether tenants can cancel their leases or pay less rent during the pandemic, what landlords can do if tenants default, and whether tenants can negotiate accommodations with their landlords.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn what to look for in a commercial lease to determine the best next steps to take during times of economic strain and will learn the ramifications of withholding rent or terminating early as opposed to negotiating revised lease terms with a landlord.

For nonprofit executives, managers and Board members.

Presenters: Salvatore Gogliormella, Esq. and Peter Borock, Esq. of Paul, Weiss, presented for New York Lawyers for Public Interest and Lawyers Alliance for New York

Recorded on: May 7, 2020


Identifying Independent Contractors

Nonprofits that misclassify an employee as an independent contractor are at tremendous financial risk for back taxes, workers' compensation penalties, and other financial burdens as a result of noncompliance with federal, state, and local employment law, even if the individual in question insisted on being classified as an independent contractor. This webinar will focus on recent federal regulations attempting to simplify the definition of "independent contractor," and will also help nonprofits understand whether their workers are employees, independent contractors, volunteers, or interns. A nonprofit's obligations to each different type of worker, how to set up each type of relationship properly, and what to do if an individual has been misclassified will also be explained.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn how to differentiate among the different types of workers, and how to create legally compliant relationships with each.

For senior management and human resources professionals.

Presenter: Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: February 25, 2021


Intellectual Property Basics for Nonprofits

This webinar will review general concepts of intellectual property law, including copyrights and trademark law. The webinar will also explore questions about ownership of works created by those involved in or participating in programming, and provide tips for protecting the intellectual property of a nonprofit.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn the basics of intellectual property law most relevant to nonprofits, and will gain an understanding of what steps they may need to take to protect the intellectual property of their organization.

For executive directors, managers, and staff.

PresentersMatthew Zisk, Volunteer Senior Counsel; Ciarra Chavarria, Staff Attorney; and Christine McLellan, Staff Attorney/Extern

Recorded on: June 14, 2022


Introduction to Loan Agreements

A high-level summary and introduction to loan agreements that will include a review of the key provisions in a loan agreement, a general overview of the typical loan application process, and an explanation of the lender's perspective.

Learning Objectives: Participants will gain a general understanding of what to expect when applying for a loan and how loan agreements work.

For executive directors, senior management, and staff of nonprofits.

Presenters: Kerrick Seay, Partner, and Rhiannon Jones, Associate, White & Case LLP

Recorded on: June 11, 2024


Keeping Up With Recent Governance Law Changes

Even if you updated your organization's bylaws and corporate documents when New York's nonprofit law changed in 2014, recent additional changes to the law mean that you should be updating your bylaws and conflicts policies once again, and taking advantage of some newly clarified governance rules. After reviewing highlights of earlier changes to the nonprofit law, we will describe the latest amendments to the Nonprofit Revitalization Act that became effective in spring 2017. Particular attention will be given to the governance of nonprofit housing organizations, however the webinar will be useful for all nonprofits.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to make sure their bylaws and conflict of interest policy comply with the latest changes to New York's nonprofit law - including a few changes that will make it easier for the Board to operate.

For executive directors, senior staff, and board members.

Presenters: Hedwig O'Hara, Senior Staff Attorney; and Mary Burner, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: October 3, 2017


Leasing Space: Negotiating Lease Agreements and Lease Modifications

Securing office or program space can be a challenge! After you identify the space, the next hurdle is to negotiate the lease with the landlord. Negotiating terms that benefit your organization is critical. This webinar will address the important elements of a lease and tips for negotiating and understanding commercial leases and amendments. The presentation will include advice on special considerations for negotiating terms relating to signing a lease or amendment during uncertain times such as the pandemic.   

Learning Objective: Nonprofit professionals will learn which are the key lease provisions and how to approach negotiating those terms. 

For nonprofit executive directors, CFOs, and managers.

Presenters: Hedwig O'Hara, Legal Director and Lori Moses, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: May 4, 2022


Making the Most of Election Season: Civic Engagement and Nonpartisan Advocacy within the Rules

With the election in full swing, nonprofit organizations need to consider how they can help educate and mobilize their communities without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status. While 501(c)(3) organizations cannot participate in election season in a partisan manner, they can register voters, run get out the vote campaigns, and educate voters about the issues, so long as they do so in a nonpartisan manner. They can also advocate for or against a ballot measure, although they need to be aware of campaign finance rules. This webinar will explain how to do all of that and more. It will also provide advice on how to respond when a candidate asks to use an organization's space or mailing lists, or asks to appear at an organization's event. 

Learning Objective: Participants will be able to identify nonpartisan activities that a public charity is allowed to conduct during election season.

For nonprofit managers and advocates.

Presenter: Laura Abel, Interim Legal Director & Senior Policy Counsel

Recorded on: September 26, 2024


Mitigating Risks: Not-for-Profit Insurance 101

An effective insurance program is one of the most important risk management tools available to not-for-profit organizations. Yet, managers and directors are confronted with, at times, a confusing array of verbiage and coverage decisions. This webinar, conducted by both legal and business representatives, discusses how to assess the scope of coverage that is appropriate for your organization. We review provisions in commercial insurance policies typically purchased by community-based organizations, such as general commercial liability, professional liability, and management liability insurance. In addition, we address specific claims-related questions to help you chart the coverage most suited for your organization. We also discuss the “ABC's” as well as your complex insurance requirements.

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn how to identify the types of insurance most suitable for their organizations and to help avoid a  future gap in coverage or a coverage denial.

For directors and managers of newly organized not-for-profits, as well as experienced directors and managers who seek fact-specific guidance.

Presenters: Raquel Fruchter, Vice President, Managing Counsel for Financial Lines, Chubb; Bettina Rhodes, Vice President NFP, Company Product Manager for Financial Lines, Chubb; Joseph Coray, Vice President, Small Commercial Insurance, Chubb; and Lorraine Mandel, Volunteer Attorney, Lawyers Alliance

Recorded on: January 29, 2020


Negotiating and Understanding Fiscal Sponsorship Agreements

This webinar provides an overview of fiscal sponsorship, which allows a non-tax-exempt organization to fundraise and operate under the umbrella of a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization which acts as the fiscal sponsor. Topics covered include fiscal sponsorship structuring options, the advantages and disadvantages of fiscal sponsorships (especially for small organizations), and common legal issues in such arrangements. New organizations and charitable projects can benefit from fiscal sponsorship, but so can organizations trying to preserve their programs by increasing fundraising partnerships, cutting back office service expenses, or collaborating with a new fiscal sponsor.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to understand the purpose of and possible structures for fiscal sponsorship arrangements. With this understanding, participants will be able to assess whether entering into a fiscal sponsorship - either as the fiscal sponsor or as the sponsored organization - is right for the organization at a given point in its lifecycle.

For those interested in structuring a fiscal sponsorship, whether as the sponsor or sponsored organization.

Presenters: Rafi Stern, Staff Attorney and Elizabeth Wytock, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: January 31, 2024


Paycheck Protection Program (January 2021 Update)

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA) provided federal stimulus relief that, among other things, included the modification and expansion of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC).  During this presentation held on January 13, 2021, Lawyers from DLA Piper discussed key features of PPP 2.0, including eligibility and considerations for first-time applicants and nonprofit organizations looking to make a second draw. The speakers also covered updates on the expanded availability of ERTC.


  • Michael “Mick” Helmicki
  • Tami Howie
  • Ryan Vann
  • Aditi Eleswarapu


Responding to COVID-19: Reducing Your Workforce

Both programming and funding have been upended by the pandemic. The Payroll Protection Program was only a temporary fix. Many nonprofits now face the unpleasant prospect of drastically reducing expenses, including payroll expense. Nonprofit leaders will have many questions. What are some of the alternatives to layoffs? How does the New York State Unemployment Insurance Shared Work program work? Which employees can be furloughed? How is that different from a layoff? How do I select employees for furlough or layoff? Do I need to worry about the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act?

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn about ways to avoid job losses, plus legal and practical considerations to reduce legal risk when partial, temporary, or permanent job loss can’t be avoided.

For Board members, senior leaders, and human resources staff.

Presenter: Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: May 19, 2020


Terminating Employees: It's an Art and a Science

Ending the employment relationship is almost as traumatic for management as it is for the employee who is being let go. The "art" is managing employee relations to reduce the risk of legal action, while the "science" is minimizing the risk of legal liability if legal action is taken.

Learning Objective: Participants will be able to strengthen procedures for addressing different types of terminations based on best practices so as to better manage these difficult situations.

For senior management, human resources professionals, and supervisory personnel.

Presenter: Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney

Recorded on: December 11, 2019


The Role of the Nonprofit Board of Directors: Legal Responsibilities and Best Practices for Proficient Governance

An engaged and skillful Board of Directors is key to fostering a resilient and enduring nonprofit organization. Directors often agree to serve on nonprofit Boards because they support the mission and work of an organization, but service on a Board brings with it significant responsibilities. This webinar will address the role of nonprofit Board members and how Board members can provide proper oversight in compliance with the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, thereby contributing to the longevity of the organizations they serve.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the responsibilities of Board members based upon the organization's governing documents and proactively support good corporate governance.

For members of nonprofit Boards.

Presenters: Rafi Stern, Staff Attorney and Elizabeth Wytock, Staff Attorney

Recorded on: April 17, 2024

This webinar is also available in Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, and Korean.


Understanding Social Media and the Law

Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Snapchat, you name it: social media may have become a regular part of your outreach and fundraising strategy, but do you know what legal risks you take when using it? This webinar provides an overview of the many legal issues lurking in your organization’s social media use, including lobbying and election activity, employee fundraising, privacy (including that of minors), intellectual property, employment, and labor law.

Learning Objectives: Participants will get an introduction to strategies that will help avoid unnecessary legal risk by understanding what common social media practices may implicate lobbying and political activity rules; how to avoid misuse of intellectual property; how to make sure that you have permission to use images of staff and program participants, including children; and how to regulate employee behavior.

For nonprofit managers and marketing, development, and human resources professionals.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney; Laura Abel, Senior Policy Counsel; and Germaine Grant, Extern/Staff Attorney

Recorded on: May 15, 2024


Understanding Unionization

Amazon and Starbucks are not the only employers dealing with employee efforts to unionize; there is a growing trend toward unionization even among small nonprofits. This webinar will explain the entire process, from the first communication from employees or a union representative that employees want to form a union, to an election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board, to preparing to negotiate the first collective bargaining agreement. Voluntary recognition and labor peace agreements will also be explained.

Learning Objectives: This webinar will help you be prepared in the event that your employees seek to unionize. You will learn how employers must conduct themselves to avoid inadvertent outcomes and unfair labor practices.

For executive directors, senior staff, and human resources professionals.

Presenters: Judith Moldover, Senior Staff Attorney; and Louis P. DiLorenzo, Chair, Labor & Employment, Employee Benefits & Immigration Practice Group, Bond Schoeneck & King

Recorded on: June 22, 2022


Working Together: Legal Issues for Advocacy Coalitions

Nonprofits working together can be a powerful force for change. Budget advocacy, affordable housing, and civil rights are just a few of the rallying points of nonprofit coalitions. At the same time, working in a coalition can raise significant legal issues. Advocacy coalitions need to be aware of how lobbying and political activity restrictions and disclosure requirements affect individual organizational members and the coalition itself. Conflicts can arise around who owns jointly created materials, confidentiality, fundraising, office occupancy, and more. Coalition members can incur shared legal responsibility for staff working on coalition issues. This webinar will provide practical steps to deal with each of these issues.

Learning Objective: Participants will be able to identify practical steps to reduce potential liabilities associated with participating in an advocacy coalition.

For nonprofit managers and advocates.

Presenter: Laura Abel, Senior Policy Counsel

Recorded on: October 18, 2023


Working with Youth: Liability and Risk Management Policies and Practices

Nonprofits providing educational services to children and young adults face a variety of regulatory and liability issues. This webinar will focus on some of the key liability issues and how and when a nonprofit might be held liable for injury to a youth. This webinar will also provide guidance to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and decrease liability exposure.

Learning Objectives: Participants will understand, identify, and mitigate common legal risks associated with working with youth.

For executive directors, supervisors, managers, and staff.

Presenters: Ciarra Chavarria, Senior Staff Attorney, and Naya Coard, Extern/Staff Attorney

Recorded on: October 1, 2024


دور مجلس الإدارة غير الربحي: المسؤوليات القانونية وأفضل الممارسات

  يوافق المديرون على العمل في المجالس غير الصغيرة لأنهم يدعمون مهمة وعمل المنظمة. ومع ذلك، فإن الخدمة في مجلس إدارة غير ربحي تجلب معها مسؤوليات كبيرة. تواجه هذه الندوة عبر الإنترنت دور أعضاء مجلس الإدارة غير الربحيين وكيف يمكن لأعضاء مجلس الإدارة توفير الإشراف المناسب. وستقدم هذه الحلقة الدراسية الشبكية باللغة العربية.

أهداف التعلم: سيتمكن المشاركون من تحديد مسؤوليات أعضاء المجلس استناداً إلى الوثائق الإدارية للمنظمة وتقديم الدعم الاستباقي للإدارة الرشيدة للشركات.

للأعضاء المنتخبين حديثًا في المجالس غير الربحية.

المقدم: عبدالله العوران ، كاتب قانون - مورغان ولويس وبوكيوس

تم تسجيله في: 19 ديسمبر 2022

The English version of this webinar is here.







史杨青 (Serena Y. Shi), 律师

肖力元 (Lillian Xiao), 律师

刘海婧 (Helen Liu), 律师

薛元泓 (Alfred Xue), 律师兼导师



The English version of this webinar is here.


비영리 단체 이사회의 역할: 법적 책임 및 모범 사례

비영리 단체의 이사는 단체의 미션과 업무를 지원하며 비영리 단체 이사회에서 봉사하는 데 동의합니다. 그러나 비영리 단체 이사회에서의 봉사는 상당한 책임이 따릅니다. 본 웹 세미나는 비영리 단체 이사회 구성원의 역할과 이사회 구성원이 뉴욕 비영리 법인법을 준수하면서 적절한 감독을 제공할 수 있는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.

교육 목표: 본 교육 영상을 통해 참가자는 비영리 단체의 거버넌스 문서를 바탕으로 이사회 구성원의 책임을 인지하고 적극적으로 올바른 비영리 단체 거버넌스를 지원할 수 있습니다.

비영리 단체 이사회 구성원 대상.

발표자: 김주영 (Arnold & Porter)

녹화 날짜: 2023년 10월 10일

The English version of this webinar is here.


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